Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities Services
Home residences and day programs for adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities to positively change lives.

The definition of habilitation is: “Health care services that help a person keep, learn or improve skills and functioning for daily living.”
All people want to live their best life – being as independent as possible. Horizon offers habilitation services to adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities to learn useful, safe and appropriate living skills in all areas of community and daily life. Our focus is to provide individuals with the skills needed to live a meaningful, self-directed life – in a comfortable and positive environment – and to have access to the same opportunities as everyone else.
How We Can Help
Horizon offers assistance through a contractual partnership with Arizona’s Division of Developmental Disabilities. Our services embrace a person-centered philosophy, which emphasizes individuality, personal choice, and integration.
Horizon provides a variety of habilitation services, including residential and day treatment services. The Horizon team will work with each individual and their planning team based on their specific goals, needs and desires. Support activities are driven by individual choice and promote the skills needed to live as independently as possible within the community, while complimenting the individual in their choice of how they live, work and play.
Our Services
Horizon’s Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities Services are designed to provide people with an opportunity to learn, be a part of their community, and enhance their quality of life through meaningful daily activities. We serve individuals with disabilities in multiple locations throughout Arizona. The programs we offer include:
Habilitation Group Homes
Habilitation Group Home Services are provided in a home setting, typically shared by three to five people. Everyone has individual goals and receives staff support based on their unique needs. Homes are available for men only, female only and co-ed. Horizon group homes are staffed with direct support staff 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Some of the services and support can include assistance in the following areas:
- Personal hygiene
- Health care
- Interpersonal and social skills
- Household chores
- Problem-solving and decision-making
- Health and safety
- Meal planning and preparation
- Healthy eating tips

Habilitation Adult Day Program
Through the Habilitation Adult Day Program, individuals work on social and community integration skills. Individuals are provided with options and choices to further explore possibilities for employment, volunteering or learning how to interact with others in the community in a safe and appropriate manner. Our staff provides individualized support and assistance to each person based on their individualized needs and goals. Our day programs offer many activities to work and play safely in their communities.
The program is designed to boost self-confidence, increase skills and provide the tools to be successful at leading a self-directed, meaningful life. At Horizon, we provide a variety of community-based activities. Some of these opportunities include:
- Exploration of skills needed to work, if desired
- Provide assistance to each individual to achieve their goals
- How to interact with people in the community in a safe and appropriate manner
- How to purchase items
- Money management
- Skills on appropriate community interactions
Support Team
Horizon’s Habilitation Group Home Services and Community Habilitation Adult Day Programs are staffed with compassionate, qualified and trained employees. All group homes are staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Who Can Participate in the Services/Programs?
Any person who receives services from the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) and the Arizona Long Term Care Services (ALTCS) are potentially eligible for Habilitation Services. Contact your DDD Support Coordinator to see if you qualify.
We Are Here for You
Horizon offers a variety of Habilitation Group Home Services and Habilitation Adult Day Programs for adults. Our services and programs are specifically designed to help adults with disabilities achieve their full potential and a meaningful life based on individual choice. Our trained staff will work with adults in our residential habilitation homes and out in the community to teach new skills that will prepare individuals for the most independent life possible.
Horizon is transforming the lives of those with disabilities by providing them with essential skills for a successful, meaningful and independent daily life.